Eric Krueger

Supplier Impact Assessments (Kraljic's Segmentation Matrix)

4-minute read | last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

If you've worked in procurement for any period, you should be familiar with evaluating supplier impact on your business with the Kraljic Segmentation Matrix (after Peter Kraljic - a former McKinsey consultant).

It’s an excellent way to think about relationships with supplier and their impact on your business. Here is the basic graph.


On the Y-Axis, you have “profitability”; on the X-Axis, you have “risk”.

The Four Quadrants

The intersection of profitability and risk yields four distinct quadrants. All your Supplier relationships can be plotted on this graph somewhere. If you're new to a category (or an organization) it’s a good exercise to figure out where each one sits. This applies to all suppliers for any industry, but I'll use construction suppliers/trades as easy illustrative examples below.


At the intersection of low profitability and low risk are non-critical suppliers.


Next, there’s low risk but a high impact on profitability. These are your leverage suppliers.


At low profitability and high risk are your bottleneck suppliers.


Finally, at high profitability and high risk are your strategic suppliers.

Company vs. Market

You can identify where suppliers fall according to:

The difference between the two represents opportunity, or a chance to re-plot where a supplier falls on this graph. Increasing the diversity of suppliers for a particular category is one of the easiest ways to reduce risk. You also can address profit impact, but that generally requires a bit more creativity and is more impactful to other departments (think breaking up turnkey solutions, considering product redesigns, reengineering, or swapping for alternative products altogether).
