⏲ 1-minute read | last updated 4 days, 6 hours ago
The new service launches soon, you’re excited to subscribe and see some of the new shows.
Your team won the first match, it’s going to be a great season.
It’s the first day of class, you think you’ll like this professor.
It seems like an exciting project, and you’re going to play a lead role.
The pilot episode was good. You know the rest of the season will be, too.
You drop your last box in the middle of the room. For this semester, the dorm is yours.
Your internship is beginning, you wonder if you’ll make any friends.
Your first day is Monday, you have no idea what to expect.
You arrive in the new city you’ll call home, there’s so much to explore.
Your new computer was finally delivered - your old one was soooo slow.
The grandparents moved closer, you’re so excited you’ll be able to see them more.
It’s a litter of four, what should you name them?
You finally closed on your first home, it’s time to move in.
Your phone rings from that friend you haven't heard from in ages. You promise each other you'll stay more in touch.
The doctor says “It’s a girl”, but you already knew that.
Your relationship is beginning, and you have a good feeling about this one.
But with every beginning comes an eventual ending. And who are we to judge if a beginning is good or bad?